NXP Distributor
NXP Distributor & Supplier
Broadest Portfolio of NXP Products in Stock
NHE Offers a Wide Variety of Semiconductors from NXP Authorized Distributor
We focus on providing a broad range of the latest, high quality and authentic NXP components.Welcome to visit our website...
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  • A reliable supplier of electronic components around you.

    Nanhuang are credible electronic components supplier in China, you can trust us with self-confident.

    We accept the payment terms: T/T in advance / PayPal / Western Union / Escrow sevice or Net terms(Long-term cooperation).

    We'd love to hear from you. We are always looking for better ways to improve your experience.

    Bank Telegraphic Transfer Bank Information

    * Bank handling fees: USD15.0 - USD30.0

    * We can support many kinds of currency, such as USD; HKD; EUR; CNY and Others, please contact us.

    Western Union

    To complete payment by Western Union,

    Step 1. Go to your local Western Union branch, or go to their website (www.westernunion.com)

    Step 2. Follow their instructions. The beneficiary details for NANHUANG are:

    Western Union Information

    After successfully transferring the funds, please send the payment details by email to hksales@nanhuangic.com, We will need as following information:

    Reference No#: MCTN(money transfer control number):

    Currency & interbank settlement amount:

    Sender's First Name:

    Sender's Last Name:


    * Bank charges: USD00.0 by Western Union (Don't need bank charges for us, handing fees will charge in payer side.)

    PayPal PayPal Information

    Bank Charges:

    * USD0.00-USD500.00 need bank fees USD30.00

    * USD500.00-USD1000.00 need bank fees USD60.00

    * USD1000.00-USD2000.00 need bank fees USD110.00

    * USD2000.00-USD3000.00 need bank fees USD110.00


    We are credible electronic components supplier in China, you can trust us with self-confident.

    For small order below USD1000.00, we advise use PayPal, PayPal will be good choose, it's faster and safe for new customer.

    Larger amount, we advise use T/T to our HSBC account, it's will save the bank fees and convenience for each other.

    Any questions or inquires, please kindly contact us. Email: hksales@nanhuangic.com

    We focus on providing a broad range of the latest, high quality electronic components.
    NXP Distributor & NXP Electronic Components Supplier in China - NHE
    NXP Authorized Distributor | NHE is dedicated to providing first-quality, genuine NXP components.